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Last updated FAQ 05/09/2023 Ver. 1.2

Yes, you do. Regardless of when you activated it (on your turn or during the opponent’s turn), the Population Ability will always end
its effect at the beginning of your next turn.

You can play your Population Ability immediately after an opposing Soulgiver is activated.

No, they can’t. The Population Ability Modifiers cannot be covered by other Population Ability Modifiers nor by other Modifiers in the

The priority goes to the player who is not active during that turn. For example, if it is your opponent’s turn, you have priority when playing the Population Ability. If you do so, your opponent can respond with an Anomaly, whose effects will always take place before the Population Ability.

Yes, they can, because the Border does not count as a Wall for the Shells and does not block the line of sight.

No, they can’t. The Specter Runner cannot Leap over the Border since the Shell modifiers are Wall-type modifiers and you cannot use Leap to go over walls. The Shell Runner can move through the Border since the Shell modifiers do not affect the Shells, therefore it is not an obstacle to their movement.

At the end of the turn, the Soulgivers stuck on that Portal are destroyed and their Souls are removed from the game. However, you
cannot use the Population Ability during the first turn of each player.

No, it can’t. Once placed on the board, the Border (as well as Event Horizon) cannot be modified in any way. All the tiles that have
a Population Ability Modifier on them are temporarily locked in place.

The Runner is affected by Event Horizon, since the Superluminal Speed Aura only "protects" them from Anomalies and Soulgivers' Abilities, not the Population Abilities.

When a Soulgiver is next to an Event Horizon Modifier, during any kind of movement whether it is voluntary or forced (even if the
action hasn’t ended yet and they haven’t finish their movement), that Soulgiver is immediately attracted according to the effects of
the Population Ability and is placed on the Specter Modifier.

The player who controls the Specters chooses the order in which the Soulgivers next to the Specter Modifier are attracted. Since
both the Holemaker and the Spacewalker are not destroyed when on top of a Black Hole, the first Soulgiver to be attracted is not
destroyed but stays in the game and will occupy that cell with the Modifier on it, preventing, in this way, the other Soulgivers from
being attracted to it.

No, they can’t. Once placed on the board, the Event Horizon Modifiers (as well as the Border Modifiers) cannot be modified nor
moved in any way until their effect ends.

No, they aren’t. When the Soulgivers are still on the Portals, they are not considered in the game, therefore, they are not affected by

any external influence until the player who controls them moves them onto the board.

No, it isn't. If the Ability does not require a free line of sight, obstacles do not influence the minimum or maximum reach of that

If not specified otherwise on the card, all Abilities can hit both allied and opposing Soulgiver indistinctly.

Yes, they can. Souls are not considered obstacles and do not “occupy” space on the board. However, for practical reasons, it is
more convenient to place a Soul on a free cell next to the cell it is supposed to be on. As for absorbing the Soul, the Soulgiver only
needs to be on the same tile as the Soul, not on the same cell, so it doesn’t matter on which cell of that tile the Soul is on.

Yes, they can. Souls are not considered obstacles and do not “occupy” space on the board. If that Soul is an allied Soul, that Soul is
not automatically absorbed.

You cannot pause an Ability that has already been started in order to activate another Ability and then go back to the paused
Ability. However, you can pause other Actions (for example, you can pause the Movement in order to Absorb a Soul and then
continue moving.)

No, you don't. You must remove the absorbed Soul from the game, while the Soulgiver who reached 6 on the Decay die is

destroyed and drops their Soul on the board.

Yes, you can. While a Double Soul Soulgiver is activated, you can use any Action that character has in between one Ability and the
other one.

By paying only one Tribute Essence, an active Double Soul Soulgiver can use one of their Soulgiver’s Ability and one of the absorbed
Souls’s Ability, in any order. You can also use other Actions in between the two Abilities. All Abilities that require a payment in Decay must
be paid following the normal rules.

Despite the Double Soul, the Tribute Essence does not cover for an Ability that requires to be paid in Decay. Therefore, you must

immediately pay 1 in Decay for Eradicate (increasing by 1 the Decay Die), while at the end of the turn you’ll pay an additional 2 in
Decay (in details: +1 Decay for the turn and +1 Decay for the Tribute Essence(s) you used).

If the Protector-Spacewalker encounters a Black Hole while using Charge, they are not destroyed but they enter the Black Hole due

to the Spacewalker's Aura. The Charge Ability ends immediately. Black Holes stop any Ability even if the Soulgiver is not destroyed.

The Volomancer will lose control of the Spacewalker as soon as the Spacewalker will reach the Black Hole.

Yes, they can. For example, the Runner, who has a linear movement, can move 2 steps forwards, 2 steps backwards, and then
again 1 step forwards. However, remember that you don’t have to use all the Soulgiver’s movement points during their activation.

The “first step” onto the board counts as 1 step of movement, therefore a Soulgiver that can only move in a straight line must follow

the direction established by that first step from the Portal into the game and proceed that same way.

The board ends where the tiles end. The border of the board is not considered a Wall in the strict sense of the game, but it is an
impassable limit. This means that you cannot exit the left border of the board and come back in from the right one; if the Protector
pushes a Soul to the border of the board, that Soul stops, it is not pushed “outside” to then come back in from the opposite side;
and the same goes for the Soulcrusher when they shoot a Soul with Soulstrike. That Soul stops when it meets the border of the board,
it doesn’t go out and then come back.

Yes, they have to. They need to rotate their shields according to the shield rule.

You can rotate their shields at the end of that Soulgiver’s Movement Action or after passing, receiving, or dropping the Fragment.

No, you can’t. Walls are considered obstacles and block the effect of Attack: Destruction.

No, you cannot. Attack: Destruction can only be used on opposing Soulgivers.

No, you can’t. Soulgivers on the Portals are considered still out of the game and cannot be the target of Passing the Fragment.

The Fragment must be passed to a cell that is exactly three cells away along a straight line, but only if there is an allied Soulgiver on
that cell to receive it. In between the two Soulgivers there can't be any obstacles, like walls or other Soulgivers (there must be a
clear line of sight.)

A Soulgiver that is carrying the Fragment temporarily loses their own shields and acquires the Fragment’s shields. You can rotate the
Fragment's shields at the same time you would normally rotate the Soulgiver’s shields and every time the Soulgiver receives the
Fragment through Passing or Collecting it. You must also remember to rotate the shields of the Soulgiver who just passed or dropped
the Fragment as well.

Yes, you can, if you have enough Tribute Essences to pay for both Actions.

The Fragment’s shields are represented by two small protruding rectangles on the mini. They are placed at a 90-degree angle. They
work exactly like the Soulgiver's shields.

  • If I have already moved the Soulgiver of all their movement, can I still collect the Fragment? Yes, you can, but you cannot move the character any further.
  •  If I have already moved the Soulgiver of all their movement points except for one, do I lose the last movement point? Yes, you do.
  • The last movement point is taken away by the -1 malus.
  • If I collect the Fragment, move the Soulgiver of all their available movement points (their total movement -1 due to the malus),
  • and then I drop or pass the Fragment, do I get that last movement point back (the one taken up by the carrying of the Fragment malus) or do I lose it for that turn? You immediately get that movement point back.
  • If I collect the Fragment and I pass it immediately, what happens to my movement points? They won't change. The Soulgiver that
  • collected and passed the Fragment can move of their total movement, no malus.

No, it doesn't. When a Spacewalker or a Soulgiver with the Spacewalker's Soul ends on a Black Hole, their active Ability, or the Ability
of the Soulgiver controlling or moving them, ends immediately.

Yes, according to the Soul rules, the Soul is dropped on the Black Hole cell or on one of the other cells of that tile.

Yes, they are. Two Soulgivers are considered next to each other or adjacent if they are on two cells orthogonally next to each other
(never diagonally). However, the two Soulgivers cannot use Attack: Destruction on each other, because the wall blocks all Action

Yes, they do. Only the top Modifier, the one that is visible, is considered active. The Population Ability Modifiers do not follow this rule
since they cannot be covered by another Modifier.

The Patch Modifiers cover the cells and everything on it and cancel walls, while the Black Hole Modifiers and the Population Ability
do not cancel walls. When a Patch Modifier covers a wall, it cancels also the half wall that remain visible on the next cell.

Yes, they can. The increase of Decay caused by the Tribute Essences is added only at the end of the turn (therefore, you move the die
only at the end of the turn). The only exception are the Abilities that require a payment in Decay: those require to add the Decay immediately.

You can destroy them with an Anomaly called “Fracture,” but only after you fulfilled the activation requirements.

At the end of the turn, the Soulgivers on that Portal are destroyed and their Souls are removed from the game.

No, you can’t. Soulgivers on the Portals are considered still out of the game and cannot be the target of Passing the Fragment


No, it isn't. The Barrier is not considered an obstacle in the strict sense of the game (for this reason the Runner cannot use Leap to jump over it and the Ghost cannot go through it), but it is considered a special wall that the Soulgivers cannot go through. It prevents any access to the Mother Tile and it blocks any line of sight. In terms of restrictions, it is considered similar to the border of the board. In the 1vs1 mode, no game component except for the Fragment can be on the Mother Tile while the Barrier is still active.
Only an Attack: Destruction can destroy it.

Yes, it is. You can move the Interference tiles however you want with Anomalies and Abilities that allow you to do so.

No, you don't. You can decide how many Soulgivers to activate. However, at the end of the turn the Decay will still increase for all
your Soulgivers, even those you didn’t activate.

No, you can't. In the 1vs1, you can play with a max of 3 Soulgivers at a time. On the contrary, in certain circumstances you can find
yourself with less than 3 Soulgivers on the board.

If you still have Soulgivers in your Soulgiver deck, at the beginning of your turn, draw two Soulgiver cards and chose one. Then, place
on one of your Portals a Soulgiver token corresponding to the chosen card. Once you’re done, shuffle the deck and repeat the
process until you have 3 Soulgivers in the game again.

You can move the tile the Architect is on. On the cards, the range is 0-X (where X is a number) when the cell or tile the Soulgiver is
on can be targeted by the Ability as well, and 1-X when the cell or tile the Soulgiver is on cannot be targeted.

It means that you cannot undo the exact same shift caused by Mold in the previous turn. For example, if the opposing Architect

moved a line of tiles to the left, you cannot move that same line back to the right and bring it back to where it was. But you can
continue move that line to the left or move one of those moved tiles, and its line, to one of the other allowed directions.

No, you can't. A Soulgiver belonging to a specific population that is carrying the Fragment can only enter the Portals of the
population they belong to and cannot enter the opposing Portals.

The Spacewalker that is pushed onto the Black Hole is not under the control of the Volomancer anymore, therefore the Volomancer
cannot decide which Black Hole the Spacewalker exits nor where to take the free movement out of it.

No, it isn't. The Carrying Malus only affects the Movement Action of an active Soulgiver.

Yes, it does. Acquiescence is a forced Passing the Fragment Action from a Soulgiver to another and it has the same requirement of
a regular Passing the Fragment.

Yes, it can. All Modifiers (except for the Population Ability Modifiers) do not block the shifting, swapping or rotation of the tiles.

No, it doesn't. The step onto an adjacent cell that allows the Spacewalker to exit the Black Hole is a free movement.

The Spacewalker is forced to travel through the Black Hole they step on or they are placed on. The player that Spacewalker belongs
to has to decide which Black Hole the Spacewalker will exit and which free cell they will move onto.

The Spacewalker is "trapped" on the entry Black Hole until an exit Black Hole frees up, allowing, in this way, the Spacewalker to

automatically finish their action.

No, they don't. They can move onto any free cell next to the exit Black Hole.

No, they can’t, because you can only rotate your Shields after an Action Movement and not after an Ability. Therefore, you must

maintain the same exact Shield position when moving the two Soulgivers.

The Runner cannot Leap Souls, because they are not considered obstacles, the Barrier, Walls, and the Population Ability Modifiers.
They can Leap over all other Modifiers, other Soulgivers, and the printed Black Holes.

No, they can’t. Tear can only be used after your Holemaker has used their own Black Void Ability at least once.

No, you don’t. You need to simply use the Black Void Ability once, which means that you need to place at least one Black Hole

Exactly. For example, if the Architect is to the left of the Blower, that Architect is moved by 2 cells to the left.

Tornado affects all the Soulgivers on the 4 tiles in range at the same time. It does not require a clear line of sight. If the Soulgiver hits
a wall when being moved by the Ability, the movement is interrupted; on the contrary, if the Soulgiver is already “behind” a wall,
they are moved according to what the Ability states.

Tornado affects all Soulgivers at the same time. In doubtful cases when the order in which the Soulgivers are moved is crucial, it is
the player who used the Ability to decide the order.

No, it cannot. Attack: Destruction is not influenced by the Ghost's Incorporeal Aura.

It means that it can go through Walls and obstacles on the board while interlocked with the Ghost game piece.

The Specter Ghost can step onto the Shell Modifiers as long as it doesn’t end their movement on top of one.If an Action or an Ability
requires the Ghost to end their movement on top of a Shell Modifier, they must stop on the cell right before the Modifier. The same
goes for all the Shell Soulgivers, who benefit from this immunity to their own Population Ability.

The Specter Ghost can step onto the Shell Modifiers as long as they don't end their movement (voluntary or forced) on top of one,
otherwise they must stop on the cell right before the Modifier. The same goes for the Shell Soulgivers.

Yes, if the opponent does not move the Patcher, the player can only wait that their Soulgivers, blocked by Hush, are destroyed by
the Decay, they can use Anomalies and their Population Ability, or make it so that the opposing Patcher is destroyed or moved from
that tile.

Yes, they do. Their aura continues to be active because it is not connected to the activation of a Soulgiver.

No, they can’t. The Patcher needs to use their own Patch Ability before using Update.

If a Patch (just like any other Modifier that is not a Population Ability Modifier) is covered by another Modifier, its effects and benefits
are temporarily blocked (in our example, it does not cancel the wall anymore).

You can move the new Soul in any of the three possible directions (left, right, forward), but not the direction the previous Soul was

coming from (backwards).

The Soul that was hit becomes a “projectile” as well and moves for another 5 cells or until it hits an obstacle and it gets destroyed. If the obstacle is a Soulgiver, the hit has the same effect as an Attack: Destruction and follows the Shield rules.

No, it cannot. In order to pay the max (3) that the Ability allows, the Aeger must have their Decay Die on a 3 or on a lower number
(3+3 = 6, then the Aeger is destroyed).

The Action a Soulgiver can repeat are all the paid Actions: Soulgiver’s Abilities, Collecting, Passing, Dropping the Fragment, and
Attack: Destruction. While the Movement and Absorbing a Soul are not paid Actions, therefore cannot be repeated.

No, you can't. The Runner has the Superluminal Speed Aura which prevents them from being targeted by Word of Encouragement.

Yes, it does. Differently from Word of Encouragement, Word of Discouragement requires a clear line of sight.

No, it cannot. The Gate Modifier follows the Modifiers rule: “You can place a Modifier only on a cell or Modifier free from Soulgivers
and only if it is not an Interference cell.”


Soulgivers Cards

  • PROTECTOR - CHARGE - The range is 1-6 not 0-6
  • VOLOMANCER - ACQUIESCENCE - The range is 1-3 not 0-3
  • VOLOMANCER - ACQUIESCENCE - It is the Volomancer who decides which allied or opposing Soulgiver the controlled Soulgiver passes the Fragment.

Ability Recap Card

  • HOLEMAKER - TEAR - The image should show the Holemaker repositions the Modifier on a cell on a tile they are on.
  • HOLEMAKER - TEAR - The range is 0-3 not 1-3
  • VOLOMANCER - ACQUIESCENCE - The image should show the Volomancer forcing a Soulgiver to Pass the Fragment along a straight line.


  • PAGE 13 - SET UP - There are 3, not 4, Black Hole Modifiers per player. There are 6 Black Hole Modifiers in total in the box.
  • PAGE 28 - There are 3, not 4, Black Hole Modifiers per player. There are 6 Black Hole Modifiers in total in the box.
  • PAGE 38 - THE BLOWER - TORNADO - The Blower blows in the four cardinal point at the same time and hits all allied and opposing Soulgivers on the tiles next to the one the Blower is on. [...]

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